sometimes.. some words might change somethings
but, something.. sometimes ruin everything....
faith, kindness, friendship, and love..
are somethings that we believe and keep up with..
but when it come upon a wheel of time..
that's the point where it all being questioned and doubted...
since special is switched to usual..
since affection is swapped with convention..
does it all bring matters ?
unfortunately it does..
and for sometimes it bring some pain..
some feeling that is hard to be told..
like a wish which is hard to be reached..
couple of words that is needed to be heard,
even it doesn't have to be proved..
but.. there's still a tiny little hope...
that it might not bring to an ends..
cause it all too worthy and sincere,
for me....

"SomE tiMes.. Some WOrds, MaY RaisE soMe HopeS...
BuT.. SomE HoPe.. SometiMes... MaY Raise SoMe HurtS.."
2 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:

    hm, gw setuju vi, kasarnya, jgn terlalu banyak ngarep, walaupun harapan bisa memberikan kita motivasi untuk mengubah sesuatu menjadi lebih baik. tapi semuanya kembali kepada keputusan yang DiAtas.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Yup exactly... sometimes with some word make us happy but because of word can hit our heart to be hurt.. :)

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